Legal Assistance

Chilliwack Community Services 604-792-4267, 604-793-7243
Access to Justice Legal Services: legal information and court
preparation provided by volunteer lawyers


Family Justice Centres operate across BC to provide services to British Columbians going through separation or divorce. Each centre is staffed by accredited Family Justice Counsellors, specially trained to help families with parenting arrangements, contact with a child, guardianship, and support issues.

Disability Law Clinic – DABC 236-427-1108
Toll-free 1-800-663-1278

Provides a Summary Advice and Referral Service which is a free, confidential legal service, directly to persons with disabilities from across BC, on certain disability-related areas of law

Nidus Personal Planning Resource Centre & Registry
Representation Agreement Resource Centre (Vancouver) 604-408-7414

Find out about your rights on making health care decisions and what might happen if you become incapable of making decisions (representation agreements, powers of attorney).

Legal Aid Services

Greater Vancouver 604-408-2172
Outside Greater Vancouver Toll-free 1-866-577-2525

UBC Law Students’ Legal Advice Program 604-822-5791

Transunion Canada Toll-free 1-800-663-9980

For people under threat of being taken advantage of or who are the victims of identity theft.

Equifax Toll-free 1-800-465-7166

For people under threat of being taken advantage of or who are the victims of identity theft.

Law Firms Experienced in Brain Injury

Baker Newby LLP

Abbotsford 604 852-3646
Chilliwack 604-792-1376

Brain and Injury Law – Collette Parsons Corrin LLP 604-662-7777
Toll-free 1- 800-999-4991

CBM Law, LLP 604-533-3821

David H. Doig & Associates 604-687-8874

Murphy Battista LLP Toll-free 1-888-683-9621

Paine Edmonds, LLP Lawyers 604-683-1211

Patten Thornton, Barristers & Solicitors 604-795-9188

RDM Lawyers 604-855-2121

Simpson Thomas Associates 604-689-8888

Slater Vecchio, LLP 604-682-5111

Waterstone Law Corp 604-824-7777

Zak & Decker Law 250-372-1221